Virtual CISO Service

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Telecom/Technology Product/Services
This website is governed by a Canadian Telecom/Technology solutions provider Disruption IO. The Telecom/Technology product or services listed on this website are provided by third-party companies AppDirect, Telarus, and our direct agreements with product or services providers. We have some direct contract with the individual Telecom providers listed here as well as through the third parties listed as part of our partner agreement. We partner with AppDirect and Telarus who has agreements with these providers and offer their services to you through our platform, in addition to the select partners we have direct relationships with.

Your Interaction:
While you can browse and compare Telecom/Technology options on our website, your purchase and service experience will be directly with AppDirect or Telarus, and if a few cases, directly with Disruption IO if it is an exclusive vendor to us. This means:

  • You will negotiate prices directly with Us and then we will forward your quotation to AppDirect, Telarus or directly to the providers we have direct partnerships with.
  • Once a service is provided, the vendor the service agreement is with will handle customer service, billing, and technical support.
  • You will enter into a contract directly with the provider of the chosen Telecom/Technology product/service.

Our Role:
Our role is to provide a platform for you to compare and discover different Telecom/Technology options. We may assist you in understanding your needs and finding the best fit, but we are not acting as a seller or reseller of these services. Think of us like a Mortgage Broker for tech. We do all of the work at no cost, and then help you work with the best selected vendor for your needs.

We strive to be transparent about our partnerships and ensure you understand who you are interacting with for your Telecom/Technology service. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Trademark Disclaimer:
The trademarks referenced on this website are the exclusive property of their respective owners. These trademarks are utilized by Defend My Business solely for the purpose of describing the products and services provided by each respective trademark holder. Defend My Business operates as a comparison website, dedicated to aiding you in selecting the most suitable business technology solutions through collaborations with third-party contracts.